Over the years, the beloved superhero has graced the silver screen in various live-action adaptations, each offering its own take on the iconic character. From exhilarating highs to disappointing lows, these films have taken fans on a rollercoaster ride of action, emotion, and spectacle.
Too ambitious with numerous plot lines and villains, lacking refinement and feeling rushed.
Andrew Garfield's impressive performance stands out, but pacing could have been better.
Director Sam Raimi's unique vision shines, despite some shaky CGI.
An interesting blend of teen romance and superhero antics with solid performances.
A wholesome and heartwarming movie, benefiting from the relationship between Spider-Man and Tony Stark.
Fantastic action sequences and a brilliant cast make this film one of the best sequels, offering insight into the man behind the mask.
Fantastic action sequences and a brilliant cast make this film one of the best sequels, offering insight into the man behind the mask.