"Prepare for an extraordinary cinematic voyage with the Oscar-nominated films of 2024! From riveting dramas to captivating biopics, this year's selection offers an unparalleled cinematic experience. Dive into the world of Hollywood's finest creations as we unveil where and how you can stream these acclaimed movies. Don't miss the chance to immerse yourself in the artistry and storytelling mastery that define the Oscars, all from the convenience of your own home."
Streaming on Peacock from February 16, 2024. Also available to rent or buy on VOD.
Nominations: 13
Will be available for streaming on Hulu, but a date hasn’t been announced. Also available to rent or buy on VOD.
Nominations: 11
Streaming on Apple TV+. Also available on VOD.
Nominations: 10
Streaming on Max. Also available on VOD.
Nominations: 8
Streaming on Netflix.
Nominations: 7
Streaming on Max and Prime Video. Also available on VOD.
Nominations: 5
Streaming on Apple TV+. Also available on VOD.
Nominations: 5
Streaming on Peacock. Available on VOD.
Nominations: 5
Not available for streaming yet.
Nominations: 5
Streaming on Apple TV+. Available on VOD.
Nominations: 3
Streaming on Disney+ and Hulu. Also available on VOD.
Nominations: 2
Streaming on Paramount+.
Nominations: 2
Streaming on Netflix.
Nominations: 2
Streaming on Apple TV+. Also available on VOD.
Nominations: 2
Streaming on Netflix.
Nominations: 2